
Dates: Aug 1 – 27, 2003
Curated by Jeffrey Ian Rosen

Curator’s statement : Rather than organize a group exhibition around a particular theme, or on the basis of personal taste, I chose to include all of the artists whom I learned about during the process of researching this exhibition. My research began both on the basis of general interest and simply in an attempt to get myself thinking. The included artists reflect a series of loose connections made apparent through the curatorial process of research. Some of the exhibition artists will be represented by artworks, others by various media about their work; a basic premise of the exhibition is the equality of the two.

During the course of the exhibition the gallery space will be transformed into a site of research, a space akin to that of a comfortable study. Gallery visitors will be provided with an opportunity to look through the curator’s research material (art periodicals, websites, etc.), to choose to view work from a selection of artist dvds, to consider works hanging on the gallery walls. The intention is to suggest a non-hierarchical relationship between artist, text, curator and viewer.
(Jeffrey Ian Rosen)